“Energizing and environmentally sustainable hostel accommodation in Joensuu”

Recep­tion is open on Thurs­day 9th of May at 15.00–17.00

One-room apartment

  • one bedroom 
  • ful­ly equip­ped mini-kitchen 
  • bath­room
  • balco­ny
  • TV and WiFi

Two-bedroom apartment

  • two bedrooms
  • ful­ly equip­ped mini-kitchen 
  • bath­room
  • balco­ny
  • TV and WiFi

“Make your­self at home”

Islo Hos­tel pro­vi­des 24 com­for­table apart­ments in one- or twO-bedroom options. eve­ry apart­ment is equip­ped with kitc­hen and bathroom.

ISLO Hos­tel, owned by Sports Ins­ti­tu­te of Eas­tern Fin­land, is an excel­lent place to stay for indi­vi­dual tra­ve­lers, fami­lies and groups. Our hos­tel is loca­ted in a qui­et neigh­bor­hood in the cen­ter of Joen­suu. The hos­tel has 24 com­for­table and prac­tical rooms in one and two bedroom apart­ments. Each apart­ment has its´ own kitc­hen and bath­room. All of the sto­res and ser­vices of Joen­suu are a short walk away from the hos­tel. ISLO hos­tel is also just a stone´s throw away from the main sports cen­ters of Joen­suu: Joen­suu Cen­ter for Ball Games and Ath­le­tics, Joen­suu Aree­na and Keru­bi Sta­dium, Swim­ming Cent­re Vesik­ko, beac­hes, fris­bee golf cour­se, skiing trails — just to name a few! You can’t accom­mo­da­te much clo­ser to sports than this! 

We value our natu­re and aim to keep ISLO Hostel´s envi­ro­men­tal footprint as low as pos­si­be. Read more about ISLO Hostel´s envi­ron­men­tal res­pon­si­bi­li­ty here.

”I keep retur­ning to ISLO, because it’s loca­ted in the cen­ter of the city, still peace­ful, rooms are kept clean and there’s a lot of space, qua­li­ty-price ratio is excel­lent, break­fast tas­ty and healt­hy and the staff is friendly!” 

Reti­red doc­tor
10 years of tem­po­ra­ry work at Joensuu

”My first stay the­re was when I was an adult stu­dent, and have kept it as my haunt since… my children are also using this accom­mo­da­tion with their friends whi­le visi­ting Joensuu…”

North Kare­lia

”Bud­get accom­mo­da­tion, that defeats hotel-stays with its price, con­ve­nience and relaxed atmosp­he­re. We have always felt welco­me whi­le visi­ting ISLO Hos­tel and we warm­ly recom­mend it.”

Jou­ko and Tuu­lik­ki,

ISLO Hos­tel is a part of Hos­tel­ling Inter­na­tio­nal Fin­land network. Hol­ders of the Hos­tel­ling Inter­na­tio­nal mem­bers­hip card get 10% discount.The discount is not applicable to fami­ly pac­ka­ges or reser­va­tions that have been made by other reser­va­tion sites. Plea­se take in to account, that discounts are not avai­lable during big events, such as the Ilo­saa­ri-rock. Click the logo for more infor­ma­tion about Hos­tel­ling Inter­na­tio­nal Fin­land network.

Prices from 1.1.2024

List of optionsPrice
Single room in a one-bedroom apartment76 €/night
Single room in a two-bedroom apart­ment (sha­red bath­room and kitchen)66 €/night
Double room in one-bedroom apartment 91 €/night
Double room in two-bedroom apart­ment (sha­red bath­room and kitchen)89 €/night
Two-bedroom apart­ment for two adults (SINGLE + SINGLE)130 €/night
Two-bedroom apart­ment for three adults (DOUBLE + SINGLE)148 €/night
Two-bedroom apart­ment for four adults (DOUBLE + DOUBLE)174 €/night
In one-bedroom apart­ment (2 adults, 2–4 children under the age of 15, matt­res­ses on the floor for the children)91 €/night
In two-bedroom apart­ment (2 adults, 2–4 children under the age of 15, four beds)130 €/night
Con­tact hos­tel (at) islo.fi or +358 504084587 for special pricing
Ext­ra bed / matt­ress for adults32 €/night
Matt­ress for a child20 €/night
Pet fee15 €/stay
Late check-out (depen­ding on the occupancy)10 €/hour

Room rates include

Room rates inclu­de break­fast, bed linen and towels. You can also

  • book sau­na (taking into account other reservations) 
  • park your car on the bac­ky­ard (block hea­ters are inclu­ded) or on the street (alter­na­te side par­king Mon-Thu ja Thu-Mon) 
  • use self-ser­vice laundry

Check-in and Check-out

Check-in time is 15.00.

Let us know if you are not able to arri­ve in our ope­ning hours. 

Check-out time is 12.00


Buf­fet break­fast is ser­ved Mon-Fri 6.30–9.00 a.m., Sat-Sun and 8.00–10.00 a.m.

Inform your special diets in advance. 


Reser­va­tion can be cancel­led (tel:+358 504084587 or email hostel@islo.fi) wit­hout any ext­ra char­ges the day befo­re your arri­val by 23.59 p.m. Cancel­la­tion terms for group reser­va­tions are defi­ned separately.

Activity and rentals

The­re is a play­room for children, whe­re you can bor­row books, toys or dif­fe­rent types of board games — or watch a movie from a lar­ge TV-screen. Tra­peze, gym­nas­tic rings, mat­res­ses are cal­ling for spor­ty games and fun, and so does the playground in the bac­ky­ard of the hostel. 

You can rent sports equip­ment from hostel´s ren­tal office. Take nor­dic wal­king poles or ice ska­tes and go for a spin out­si­de. We also rent bicycles inclu­ding hel­mets and lights. 

Don’t hesi­ta­te to ask the hos­tel staff for more infor­ma­tion about ren­tals and activities! 

Environmentally friendly stay at ISLO Hostel

  • Recycling — we hope that our resi­dents recycle their was­te during their stay. The­re are recycling spots in each floor.
  • We use district hea­ting pro­duced with wood-based bio­fuels, and car­bon pol­lu­tion-free electricity
  • We use envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly deter­gents and was­hing fluids
  • We use only was­hable dish clot­hes and sau­na seat covers
  • We’­ve replaced our shower­heads to water-saving models
  • Hos­tel is lid by led- and ener­gy saving bulbs
  • We encou­ra­ge our quests to move around by wal­king and cycling by ren­ting bicycles and other sports equipment
  • We co-ope­ra­te with other local providers
  • The­re is orga­nic, vegan and local food avai­lable in break­fast buffet
  • Most pro­ducts that we sell at the recep­tion are cho­sen from an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pers­pec­ti­ve: orga­nic, local, pro­duced with wind ener­gy etc.

Kat­so myös: